"In colorimetry, the Munsell color system is a color space that specifies colors based on three color dimensions: hue, value (lightness), and chroma (color purity)."
This is who won the pool this week, a fancy term for a color swatch chart.Wonderful!
Congrats to "Munsell" winning this week with 11 wins, the week came down to a tie in wins between "Munsell" and "The Highlanders" they both finished with 11 wins, "Munsell" had the better tie breaker thus they are now $125 richer.
Over all "Bob W" finally had an off-week (by his standards) going 6-7, ... and is no longer in the #1 spot, "Clay Davis" and "Bob W" each have 71 wins but "Clay Davis" has the better tiebreaker they occupy the top spot. With 71 wins the average wins per week for the top spot is 8.8, is around the historically end of season average.
I fully admit I mailed in last weeks blog, I could not see a thing, the eye problem is still there, I am getting my new contact lenses at 12:30pm today, I'm not very happy about it because those fucking plastic things make my eyes so bloodshot it looks like I walked off the set of a Cheech and Chong movie but at least I will be able to see better. So this blog will try to have all sorts of random useless info to make up for last week. With the shitty grammar you have all come to expect.
Some facts from this past week: every home team was favored, noone scored more than 40 points, the most points scored by any team was Tampa Bay with 38, six teams scored 10 or fewer points, the NFC West is on pace to have the division winner with a .500 record or worse, every team except New England has at least 2 losses, 29 of the 32 teams have at least 2 wins, Denver started 6-0 last season, since then they have gone 4-14.
The NFL Pool pick favorite this past week was New England 100 (81%) players took them, if you were one of the few who took Buffalo 39 players (31%) or Detroit 45 players (36%) you were rewarded handsomely as both teams covered. And over the past 3 weeks player; "1", "Clay Davis", "The Highlanders" and " Zeus" have been the 4 hottest players with 27 wins each in that stretch.
Over to Survivor land we go... First, I feel bad, not because I suffered my first loss (more on that later) but last week I chastised "Sagamore Squad" because he stupidly made his Survivor pick using the "comments" section of the pick page which wasn't recorded then cried about it when he was not given proper credit and an exception was made for him. I called him out and ridiculed him because well I can ridicule anyone without fear of being confronted in person, and those of you who know me, I think I can run faster than you anyway. If I thought "Sagamore Squad" knew were I lived I would never called him a Ritard, I hide behind my keyboard, I admit it.. So this week what does Sagamore Squad" do? He takes KC.... AGAIN, 2-weeks in a row he had to know this wasn't allowed - right? Part of me thinks he did this because he really is dumb and didn't understand the rules but part of me thinks he did it because he felt bad after last week, he knew he was called out here and decided to quit rather than risk any more humiliation. If this is why he made a duplicate pick I really feel bad but happy to have one less person around.
We started have 31 players left, 9 with no losses. Everyone jumped onto KC this week, 21 players took them and once again Buffalo tried to shake the earth with an upset @ KC and like last week in Baltimore they got into OT but fell short. I took my first loss with Dallas (did I mention I couldn't see well last week), it was bitter sweet because I hate Dallas but I also hate losing. My pick was between Dallas and Washington, both lost so I wasn't too pissed off for taking Dallas. I was going on the "new QB, Dallas isn't THAT bad" theory ... Fuck me! Now going forward is there really a dominate teams this season. New England.. I wish, they are 6-1 but since the moss trade they have had 35 offensive drives, only 3 have been 10 plays or more... 2010 Patriots meet the 2009 Broncos, hey I am a Patriots fan but I am a realist. Are there really and safe picks anymore? New England @ Cleveland this week seems to be safe but Clevelnd won in New Orleans in their last game. I preach taking chances early in the season and save the good teams for post October but now at the midway point there are no real great "Lock" teams. It is starting to look like this thing may end in a few short weeks which will be good for me because I could use the money for Christmas.
Until next time ...
Nomar Fact of the week
On October 12, 2005 Nomar Garciaparra rescued two women who had fallen into Boston Harbor. He was with his uncle in his Charlestown condominium at about 10 p.m. when they heard a scream and a splash. A witness said "It was crazy. Nomar was like jumping over walls to get to the girls and the other guy leaped off the balcony. It was unbelievable."
Is there anything Nomar can't do?